Want to eat organs, but need help? Join our new organ challenge club.

Pasture Raised

Our 100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef cattle move twice a day to fresh pasture, following intensive rotational grazing practices. In the winter, they are supplemented with local hay.

Our poultry are raised seasonally (March-November) on fresh pasture, with open air and sunshine. They move to new pasture daily, forage for bugs and receive an NC grown and milled, non-GMO, 100% traceable feed.

12 Pack - Manganero Beer Sausage

Four 3.5oz links per pack

6 Pack - Manganero Beer Sausage

Four 3.5oz links per pack

3 Pack - Manganero Beer Sausage

Four 3.5oz links per pack

Mild Breakfast Chicken Sausage

Ground breast meat and seasoning, made on the farm.

Garlic Basil Chicken Sausage

Ground breast meat and seasoning, made on the farm.

Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage

Ground breast meat and seasoning, made on the farm.

10 Pack: Mild Breakfast Chicken Sausage

Ground breast meat, handmade and seasoned on the farm. 10 packages, 1 lb. each.

Ground Chicken

Ground breast meat, handmade on the farm.

Manganero Beer Sausage

Four 3.5oz links per pack