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Pasture Raised

Our 100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef cattle move twice a day to fresh pasture, following intensive rotational grazing practices. In the winter, they are supplemented with local hay.

Our poultry are raised seasonally (March-November) on fresh pasture, with open air and sunshine. They move to new pasture daily, forage for bugs and receive an NC grown and milled, non-GMO, 100% traceable feed.

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Woodland Raised

We raise Red Wattle hogs, a heritage hog breed that is native to the eastern United States. Hogs move to new, temporary paddocks in the woods twice a week. They forage on plants, nuts, and bugs, and are supplemented with an NC grown and milled, non-GMO, 100% traceable feed. Hogs are raised seasonally (March-November).

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100% North Carolina

Born, raised, and processed locally in North Carolina. The only exception is poultry, which come to the farm immediately after hatching.

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Grass Fed & Finished

All beef cows are 100% grass fed and finished. We practice intensive rotational grazing, moving our cattle twice a day to fresh pasture. They also have access to free-choice minerals. In the winter, they receive local hay while on pasture.

Dairy cows in our herdshare program are 100% grass-fed, and are given alfalfa pellets as a treat while milking. We practice calf-sharing.

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Regeneratively Farmed

Our farm follows practices that regenerate the soil. This includes rebuilding topsoil, increasing biodiversity, improving water retention, supporting biosequestration, and strengthening the life of the soil and land.

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Humanely Raised

Animals are raised in conditions that promote their health and dignity of life. Animals are raised in a way that is conducive to their natural desires and habitat - being outdoors, foraging for plants and/or bugs, and moving to fresh pasture or woodlands regularly.

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GMO Free

Animals receive feed that does not contain genetically modified organisms, such as GMO corn, soy, or wheat.

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No Antibiotics or Hormones

Animals never receive hormones, steroids, or antibiotics on our farm.

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Traceable Feed

Our feed is grown, harvested, and milled by a farmer in Granville County, NC. Where it comes from, and how it is grown, can be traced from the seed to the feed bag.

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On Farm Processing

Our poultry (chickens and turkeys) are processed by us, by hand, in our on-farm processing facility. Poultry processed on the farm is only available to be sold within North Carolina.

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USDA Processing

Animals are processed at a USDA-inspected facility.

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NCDA Processing

State-inspected processing facilities produce meat that is available for sale within the state of NC.

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Custom Exempt Processing

We use custom exempt processing for selling bulk animals (whole or half cattle and hogs). Custom exempt processors process meat for private individuals, and this meat is only for the personal consumption of the individual and their family. These facilities are inspected for sanitation.

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Heritage Breed

Animal breed is a traditional livestock breed that has been raised since pre-industrial agriculture. Our Red Wattle hogs are a heritage breed.

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Product does not contain soy, and/or comes from an animal that has not received feed containing soy.

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Product has not been processed at temperatures exceeding 110 degrees.

Raw dairy products come from our herdshare program. Our herdshare cows are Jersey cows, who are 100% grass-fed, and are given alfalfa pellets as a treat while milking. They are rotated to fresh pasture, following intensive rotational grazing practices, and follow calf sharing practices.

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Milk is batch, or low-temperature pasteurized. This preserves some of the naturally occurring nutrients and enzymes while killing the pathogenic bacteria. Pasteurized products come from Ran-Lew Dairy.

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Milk is not homogenized, or it does not undergo the process in which fat droplets from milk are emulsified to combine the milk and cream. The cream will rise to the top and separate from the milk. Both raw and lightly pasteurized dairy products are non-homogenized.

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