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Do you use liver in the kitchen? Here's the health benefits it can bring.

written by

Michelle Sroka

posted on

December 1, 2022

Although we're accustomed to eating muscle meats, organ meats are actually much more nutrient-dense. Even if you eat muscle meats, it's important to incorporate organs into your diet.

Why? The liver, in particular, has higher concentrations of important nutrients, such as:

  • B vitamins (including B12 and folate)
  • Minerals such as iron, magneisum, selenium, and zinc, and
  • Fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.

Because liver is so nutrient-dense, you only need a little bit to reap the benefits. This is good news if you are on a limited budget and can't afford muscle meats, or if you want to eat a mostly plant-based diet. Just adding a small amount of organ meat each week can make a significant impact.

Liver is often recommended to people who struggle with iron levels in their body. This is partly due to the rich concentration of iron in the liver, but it's also because liver is rich in Vitamin A - one of the vitamins that's necessary to transport iron in our blood.

Have I convinced you? Are you ready to add some liver into your diet? Here's a few ways you can start:

  • Cook some liver with ground meat (like ground beef or pork) to add a nutritional boost to your meal - and to become accustomed to the taste and texture of organ meat.
  • Chop up and freeze liver for a homemade "supplement" that's much more effective.
  • Make a batch of liver paté. This is our favorite way to get our organ meat! We love to spread it on sourdough bread or crackers. This is usually part of our daily lunch.
  • Sauté the liver - and accompany it with food you already love, like bacon. Try our pork liver, bacon, & onions recipe.

Do you love liver? How do you incorporate it into your kitchen? Share your ideas below!


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