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TEST 100% Pasture-Raised Eggs

TEST 100% Pasture-Raised Eggs

1 dozen delicious, truly pastured eggs.

Eggs that heal the land - with superior flavor, creamy yolks, and enhanced nutrition. Our eggs are unlike anything you'll find at the grocery store. They're so fresh and clean, as if they came right out of your backyard! 

Eggs are a pantry staple and for good reason. They're delicious, nutritious, and versatile. Our eggs aren't just any old eggs. Our practices prioritize the health of our land and animals and you! Here's what sets them apart:

✓ Our hens are 100% truly pastured. Our hens are outdoors all day, 365 days a year. They spend their days foraging for bugs, scratching up cow manure, and supplementing with non-GMO, 100% traceable, NC-grown and milled feed.

✓ Our hens help replenish and restore the land. Layer hens work within a holistic system to reduce parasites, distribute manure for optimal soil nutrition, and fertilize the land.

✓ Our hens have access to the best quality pasture - and nutrition. We move our hens' mobile housing to fresh pasture 3 days a week. This ensures that they always have best forage and diet. Chickens are not vegetarian - truly pastured hens need protein in the form of bugs and critters!

✓ Our hens lay and rest according to natural cycles. We never use artificial lights to stimulate laying.

These practices result in delicious eggs with rich yolks, high nutrition, and a long shelf life.
When compared to conventional eggs, truly pastured eggs like ours contain 3.5x more quality saturated fats, 15% more collagen, 4x more vitamin D, 2.8x more vitamin E, and 4.7x more beta-carotene. They contain more nutrition, which means you are nourishing your body.
And our eggs are FRESH -- the date on your box is the date that they're laid. And that means that they'll last up to 3 MONTHS in your refrigerator! 

Since they last so long, why not stock up? We offer discounts for buying eggs in bulk. Choose your option above.