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Pork Belly (whole)

Pork Belly (whole)

Pork belly is an ancient food that people have eaten since cooking was invented. Knowing how to cook, cure, or smoke this cut provides an abundance of quality food that can last for weeks or months - and boosts your confidence in being more self-sufficient.

*Frozen when fresh and packed in a vacuum sealed package.

The perfect cut for the adventurous foodie looking to experiment in the kitchen. Pork belly is an old fashioned food that's one of the gateway steps toward taking control of your food security. 

Can be roasted for crispy skin, sliced thinly and prepared like bacon, or cured or smoked to make your own bacon!
Our farming practices prioritize the health of our land and animals and you! Here's what sets our pork apart:

✓ Our hogs are raised in their natural habitat - the forest. They're outdoors all day, 365 days a year. They spend their days foraging for plants and nuts and bugs, rooting, and taking mud baths.

✓ Our hogs are fed a local, 100% traceable feed. And, of course the feed is GMO-free, too. 

✓ Our hogs help replenish and restore the land. Hogs make manure, and manure is the best natural fertilizer for the land. And, it requires no extra inputs like bags or fuel to transport it!

These practices result in delicious pork with full flavor and the best nutrition possible.
When compared to conventional pork, woodland-raised pork like ours contain 2.4x more quality saturated fats, 2.8x more vitamin D, 2x more vitamin E, and 2x more beta-carotene (vitamin A). It contains more nutrition, which means you are nourishing your body.
Our pork belly will last up to a year in the freezer! Once thawed, it will last 3-5 days in the fridge.