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Flank Steak

Flank Steak

1 steak

Flank steak is also known as a London broil. It has significant grain, is know for its chewiness, and has a big beefy flavor. Great for beef lovers!

Put on a hot grill or skillet and cook for about 5 minutes. Then flip and cook for another 6-7 minutes. You want a nice sear. For medium-rare, use a thermometer to make sure the internal temperature reaches is 125°F. Let rest and slice thinly before serving.

This is also a great cut for stews or fajitas. Cut into pieces before cooking.
Our beef isn't just any old beef. Our practices prioritize the health of our land and animals and you! Here's what sets them apart:

✓ Our beef cattle are 100% grass fed and finished. In the warmer months, our beef cattle are moved daily to fresh, regeneratively farmed pasture. When the grass isn't growing, they're fed quality hay. They're never, ever fed grain. 

✓ Our beef cattle are 100% truly pastured. They're outdoors all day, 365 days a year. They spend their days roaming the pasture in the fresh air and sunshine.

✓ Our beef cattle help replenish and restore the land. Beef cattle make manure, and manure is the best natural fertilizer for the land. And, it requires no extra inputs like bags or fuel to transport it!

These practices result in delicious beef with full flavor and the best nutrition possible.
When compared to conventional grain-fed beef, 100% grass-fed beef like ours contain 5x more quality saturated fats, 4x more long-chain omega 3s, 2x more conjugated linoleic acid (CLAs), 6x more vitamin E, and 7x more beta-carotene. They contain more nutrition, which means you are nourishing your body.
Our flank steak will last up to a year in the freezer! Once thawed, it will last about 2 days in the fridge.