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Chicken Feet

Chicken Feet

10 feet/pkg, 1 lb/pkg avg.

Multi Pack Discount

Rich in collagen and nutrients, chicken feet deserve a spot at your table. Packed with nutrients, they make an excellent broth or an adventurous dish. Chicken feet are an excellent source of easily digestible protein, contain essential minerals and vitamins, and boast a high concentration of collagen - beneficial for healthy joints and skin. 

To cook chicken feet, it's important to start with some really good prep. Thoroughly clean them, trim the nails, and blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes to remove impurities.

Then, simmer the feet in a flavorful broth with tamari (or soy sauce), ginger, garlic, star anise, and spices for about 1.5 to 2 hours until tender.

For a more flavorful twist, toss the cooked feet in a sauce like sweet chili or black bean. Or, deep fry or broil them quickly to enhance their texture before serving.

Not feeling adventurous enough to serve them as an entree? Use them to make a gelatinous and flavorful homemade stock.

Our chicken isn't just any old chicken. Our practices prioritize the health of our land and animals and you! Here's what sets them apart:

✓ Our feed is 100% traceable. And, it's GMO-free. 

✓ Our chicken are 100% truly pastured. They're outdoors all day, 365 days a year. They spend their days foraging in a mobile coop, protected from harsh weather and predators.

✓ Our chickens help replenish and restore the land. Chickens make, and manure is the best natural fertilizer for the land. And, it requires no extra inputs like bags or fuel to transport it!

These practices result in delicious chicken with full flavor and the best nutrition possible.
When compared to conventional chicken raised indoors, natural and pastured chicken like ours contains 3x more quality saturated fats, 4x more long-chain omega 3s, 15% more collagen, 3-6x more vitamin D, and 1-3x more vitamin E. It contains more nutrition, which means you are nourishing your body.
Our chicken feet will last up to a year in the freezer! Once thawed, they'll last about 2 days in the fridge. 

Since it lasts so long frozen, why not stock up? We offer discounts for buying chicken thighs in bulk.