March 2, 2023 • 0 comments

Render your own lard, and you'll reap the benefits! With a high smoke point, an incredible amount of Vitamin D per tablespoon, and nearly 50% monounsaturated fat, pork lard is an excellent choice for cooking. When rendered properly, it's odorless and tasteless, resulting in crispy and delicious vegetables, flakier pie crusts, and excellent fried meat or fish.
- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- (2 lbs.) Pork Fatback
- Heavy-bottomed pot or slow cooker
- Cheesecloth, muslin, or tea towels
- Glass jars
- With a sharp knife, cut pork fat into small pieces. Aim for about 1-2 inch pieces.
- Place a small amount of fat into a large, heavy-bottomed pot (like a Dutch oven). Or, you can use a slow cooker, setting the heat to low.
- Turn heat to low. Simmer, with the lid off, until there is a thin layer of melted fat across the bottom.
- Add the remaining fat and stir to coat with the melted fat.
- Simmer on low and stir occasionally, for about 1-3 hours. You want to keep the heat below the fat's smoke point, which means you should see no steam or smoke, just small bubbles.
- The lard is ready when the fat separates from the meat, the meat (cracklins) are a light brown color, and there are no longer any bubbles. When you see this, turn off the heat.
- Using a slotted spoon, scoop out the cracklings onto a plate linked with a towel. Salt to taste and enjoy - they're best when hot. Once cooled, store them in the refrigerator.
- Meanwhile, set a canning funnel and metal strainer in a glass jar, and line with cheesecloth, muslin, or a coffee filter. (If you don't have a small mesh strainer, you can place a colander in a large pot and line with a few layers of cheesecloth or muslin.) Carefully strain or ladle, making sure to remove all remaining bits of cracklings and avoid burning yourself.
- Cap jars loosely and allow to cool at room temperature. The lard will harden into a solid white fat.
- Once it's cooled completely, tighten lids and store in the fridge or freezer for up to a year, or leave it at room temperature for 4-6 months.