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A life of prayer, humility, simplicity, and voluntary poverty alongside the poor.

The Community of the Franciscan Way at Little Way Farm

We seek a life of prayer, humility, simplicity, and voluntary poverty alongside the poor

The Community of the Franciscan Way (the CFW) is a Mission of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina that's housed on Little Way Farm.

Committed to the Catholic Worker movement, founded in 1933 by Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day, we advocate for personalism, a decentralized society, and a green revolution through nonviolence, the works of mercy, manual labor, and voluntary poverty.

Residents live in our house of hospitality, and there is also a Christ Room for temporary hospitality.

Our days are devoted to The Works of Mercy. Particularly, this involves leading the Daily Office at The Little Way Farm, cooking breakfast, gardening/farming, administration, being available to our poor and homeless friends, preparing a community meals, and maintaining the House. Catholic Worker life is a full-time, unpaid commitment. It is ministry and work. We strive to be usefully unemployed.

A Typical Day at The Little Way Farm

0600 ------------- Morning Prayer

0700 ------------- Farm Chores

0900 ------------- Breakfast

1000 to 1200 ----- Farm projects/chores

1300 to 1600 ----- Rest or study

1600 ------------- Prepare supper and work with animals

1730 ------------- Evening Prayer

1800 ------------- Supper

1900 ------------- Discussion

2100 ------------- Sleep

We operate at minimal costs, choosing to live lives of relative simplicity.

The house of hospitality is supported by generous monthly pledgers and other supporters.

The CFW is not financially supported by the farm, the Diocese, any social service organization, or any so-called "do good" bureaucracy. We are dependent on the personal charity of our friends, families, and local church. If you are able to give, please make a monthly pledge or one-time contribution through by mailing a check.

Donations of the following are welcomed:

  • Firewood processing
  • Coffee, creamer, and sugar
  • Dish soap
  • Toilet paper (single-ply)
  • 13-gallon kitchen trash bags
  • Grocery cards
  • Wheat sandwich bread

🙏 Please pray for us.

Start by doing what's necessary;

Then do what's possible; and suddenly

You are doing the impossible.

-- St. Francis of Assisi --