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Ready-to-Lay Pullets (10 Pullets)

Ready-to-Lay Pullets (10 Pullets)

A 75% deposit is due when you place your order, with the remaining amount to be paid at pick-up.

Purchase 17-week-old pullet hens that are ready to lay. 

These pullet hens are Novogen Brown breed, a cold-hardy relative of ISA Brown hens, and developed as hybrid crosses from Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns. 

These birds thrive in free-range and pastured environments. They are very productive layers, and will do well as either backyard birds for a homestead or as reliable layers for a pastured poultry farm. 

Novogen hens utilize their feed efficiently and produce strong shelled, high-quality eggs. They mature quickly and will lay by 20 weeks of age. You can expect 5 or more eggs per week per hen. 

These pullets have intact beaks. They have been fed a non-GMO feed and supplemented with Fertrell Mineral. 

Delivery Information:

Birds will be sold in quantities of 10.

Birds will be available on April 27. Exact time TBD. You must pick your birds up at Little Way Farm on this date.

A 75% deposit is due when you place your order, with the remaining amount to be paid at pick-up.