Want to eat organs, but need help? Join our new organ challenge club.


We are dependent on the personal charity of our friends, families, and local church

Donations of the following are welcomed:

  • carpentry help
  • coffee
  • dish soap
  • toilet paper
  • 13-gallon kitchen trash bags
  • grocery cards
  • wheat sandwich bread

Currently, there are eight permanent residents at the Farm: three residents who have been previously homeless and a family of five. The Farm also has two Christ Rooms that regularly offers temporary hospitality. Our days are devoted to The Works of Mercy. Particularly, this involves leading the Daily Office at The Little Way Farm, cooking breakfast, gardening/farming, some administration, being available to our poor and homeless friends, preparing a community dinner each week, maintaining the House, and raising our children. Catholic Worker life is a full-time, unpaid commitment. It is ministry and work. We strive to be usefully unemployed.

We operate at minimal costs, choosing to live lives of relative simplicity. Our work is supported by the financial contributions of 11 generous monthly pledgers and other supporters. These eleven pledgers contribute $1,700 per month towards our average monthly expenses of $3,500 (of which rent and utilities are 65%). We beg for the difference. We are not financially supported by the Diocese, any social service organization, or any so-called "do good" bureaucracy. We are dependent on the personal charity of our friends, families, and local church. If you are able to give, please make a monthly pledge or one-time contribution through our Online Store or by mailing a check.

Please pray for us, especially for our clergy and those discerning calls to ordination.